16 Mar Why Power Washing Your Business Exterior Matters

In the scheme of everyday facility issues, power washing probably gets over looked or pushed to the back of the line because there are so many things going on and so many other fires to put out. Often properties go many months or even years without a good exterior clean up. So, does it even matter? Why should you care?
The first thing your customers see (and smell) when they drive by or walk up to your property is the exterior of the building. That’s your brand, your image, everything you work so hard to create and maintain. Of course it matters. Here are a few things to think about regarding power washing services:
- Aesthetics– what does a dirty, greasy, moldy gum ridden building, sidewalks and entrance say about your space? If you walked up to a store that looked neglected would you want to shop or eat there? Depending on the type of business, cleanings may be required weekly, monthly, quarterly or sometimes less frequently than that. A regular PM (preventative maintenance) power washing service shows your customers that you care about their experience while visiting your property.
- Sanitation– trash, grease, food and drink spills, etc., can make any property unbearable.It brings rodents, insects, and other nuisances. The smell alone can drive customers away. If you experience any population of homelessness around your properties, it is not uncommon for human urine and feces to be onsite. In San Diego, the city recently started power washing the streets to fight the spread of hepatitis. The dumpster and trash compactor pads, used grease containers, grease traps, and the path between the building and these areas can really increase these issues as well. Maybe you have not thought about how power washing on a regular basis can help sanitation on your properties, but it’s a small service that can make a huge difference.
- Reduce slip and fall hazards– grease and grime, algae and mold can create potential hazards to your customers and employees. According to Liberty Mutual, in 2014, slips and falls created a cost burden to companies of more than 11 billion dollars. Keeping clean walking surfaces is key in reducing this cost and hazard at your properties.
- Environmentally responsible– if all the dirt, grime, trash, grease and who knows what else is left unchecked, every time it rains some of the pollutants get washed away into the storm drains. This adds to pollution in our streams, rivers, lakes, and other waters. Pollution in the water increases the nitrogen level and effects the pH of the water which has a negative impact on aquatic life. Not to mention with local and national water authorities cracking down on businesses, off property discharge of pollutants can lead to substantial fines. With proper power washing service, everything can be cleaned up, contained, and all the filthy water reclaimed so it does not leave the property.
These are just a few reasons on how a power washing PM program can help your property. Glide Rite specializes in making this service seamless and easy so you can focus on all the “bigger” fires. We can provide a consistent service throughout multiple properties, letting you consolidate vendors and services to most effectively save money. Glide Rite prides itself on using state of the art equipment used by only trained professionals that we hire. Glide Rite is a self-performing company that controls the process and sets the standard.